Brown County Eagles Logo


Be a Brown County Eagle and be Eagle proud. Research shows us children who participate in middle and high school sports are better at setting goals, generally have more confidence, self-respect and leadership skills and are more likely to earn a college degree.

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The Eagle Eye

Brown County Schools Quarterly Magazine

Issue 4 Issue 3 Issue 2 Issue 1

Kindergarten Enrollment

Brown County Schools are connected to each other and to the global workplace, community organizations and resources that build a strong and relevant path to success for our students.

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Driven to

Positively Impact

Regional Prosperity Throughout

Our Schools

  • Intermediate Line Drawing
  • High School Line Drawing
  • Middle School Line Drawing
  • Helmsburg Line Drawing
  • Sprunica Line Drawing
  • Van Buren Line Drawing
  • Join BCS

    Interested in attending Brown County Schools? Get more information on transferring from another school or prepare for enrollment into preschool or kindergarten.

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